Friday, October 2, 2009

Guilty Pleasure Drink

"Well we all have a face 
That we hide away forever
And we take them out and
Show ourselves
When everyone has gone..."
Billy Joel - The Stranger

You ever get into someones car and they JAM the CD player off, or switch the song really quick when it starts playing? They were listening to it at high volume as they pulled in and were probably singing but now there is someone else around and they are sure the song is not fit for public consumption. At least, they don't want you to KNOW they listen to it. It could be a genre or it could be just one song. Could be from the seventies or from a movie soundtrack. Its definitely CHEESY. Could be Lionel Richie. Could be Backstreet, we don't know. At home, you shake it in your bathroom with that song blaring, singing into your hairbrush. You stop.You look at yourself. You wonder what the fuck you are doing, because you realize you have a $125 Karaoke machine downstairs WITH AN ACTUAL REAL MICROPHONE ON IT. You tell your reflection you'll be right back. Okay, here goes. Restart song. You imagine singing this song in front of a crowd of millions, and you hope they are either punching the air with their fists or quietly shedding a tear in silent admiration, holding their lighters aloft. Does anyone out there have a guilty pleasure song that nobody knows they like, but when you hear it, you wanna sing? You know the one I'm talking about, you cheeseball. Feel free to post anonymously... Let er rip. Failing that, who's head do I have to duct tape my headphones to and blast Kenny Loggins' "Meet Me Halfway" at vol. 11 to gedda drink around here?


  1. MIley Cyrus Party in the USA is my fav hairbrush song of late! LOL

  2. top 10 in no order:

    cum on feel the noize - quiet riot
    strung out - journey
    synchronicity - the police
    jump - van halen
    burning down the house - talking heads
    come dancing - the kinks
    i wanna rock and roll all night - kiss
    freewheel burnin - judas priest
    bad leroy brown - jim croce
    2nd hand news - fleetwood mac

    and in other news danny pena lofts way high air.

  3. Alanah Myles Black Velvet AHAH

  4. You know who I am, Jumping Johnny Mindfuck.October 2, 2009 at 10:23 PM

    Lotsa good posts there... but ir's pretty hard to beat Something like Audioslave, any of "Be Yourself" "I am the Highway" or "Like a stone".

    'tallica's cover of "turn the page" is a damn fine one to belot out while hauling ass down the highway at night as well however.

  5. "Heatwave" - Bronski Beat, outstanding!!
